Citrus paradisi Macfadyen
CRC 3781
PI 539221
Received as seed from Joe Furr, USDCS. Indio, CA. 1974.
Tahitian pummelo X Star Ruby grapefruit
Rootstocks of accession
Carrizo citrange, C-35 citrange
Season of ripeness at Riverside
January to May
Notes and observations
2/24/1988, EMN: Received as seedlings. Many fruit on ground. Young growth highly pubescent. Fruit size is large grapefruit or small pummelo. Fruit is smooth, pale yellow rind. Rind medium in thickness. Few seeds. An attractive fruit in cross-section. Flesh amber, juicy, melting. Probably somewhat too sour for commercial or dooryard use here; also has slight bitter after-taste. Should taste again later if will hold on tree.
4/18/1988, EMN: Fruit holding on tree fairly well but is still too sour for my taste- 'tis a shame.
6/10/2009, DK & TS: Fine tender pale green flesh, lightly tinged with pink; sour and watery in June, not as promising as its parentage.
Not commercially available in California.
USDA Germplasm Resources Information Network page for Tahitian pummelo X Star Ruby grapefruit