
Published Articles


Published Citrus Articles


Recently Released and Promising new Citrus Varieties from the University of California Breeding Program. Williams, Timothy. 2008. University of California, Riverside.

Tango Mandarin. Roose, M. and Williams, T. 2006. University of California, Riverside.    

Tried and true or something new? Selected Citrus Varieties for the Home Gardener.  Siebert, T. and Kahn, T. 2011. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources Publication 8472.

Valentine, a recently released anthocyanin-pigmented pummelo hybrid developed at the University of California Riverside. Siebert, T., Bier, O., Karp, D., Vidalakis, G., and Kahn, T. 2009.Topics in Subtropics. Vol. 7 No. 3. 

Yuzu, Sudachi, and Kabosu: Deliciously Ancient East Asian Acid citrus. Siebert, T., and Kahn, T. 2009. Fruit Gardener Magazine. Vol. 41  No. 6.

Descriptions of new varieties recently distributed from the Citrus Clonal Protection Program. Siebert, T., Vidalakis, G., Krueger, K., Bash, J., and Kahn, T. 2010. Citrograph. 1(1):20-26

Background and initial evaluations of recently introduced cultivars distributed by the Citrus Clonal Protection Program. Siebert, T., Vidalakis, G., Krueger, K., Bash, J., and Kahn, T. 2011. Citrograph.  2(4): 28-35

Fruit quality evaluations of introduced Satsuma selections for California. Kahn, T., Siebert, T., Zheng, Z., and Xu, K. 2013.Citrograph. 4(2):28-41.

 ‘US Furr’ and ‘US Furr-ST’ Mandarin Release. Furr, J., Castle, W., Kahn, T., McCollum, G., Reece, P., Siebert, T., Stover, E. Journal of the American Pomological Society. 68(4): 198-203. 2014

Kahn, Tracy L. 2007. Birds do it; bees do it, even citrus with seeds do (did) it. Part 1 - The biology behind seedlessness in mandarins. Topics in Subtropics Newsletter. Vol 6. No. 1. pp 3-5 

When life gives you lemons, it's time to make a profit. Kahn, T., Samons, V., Wright, G. 2015. Citrograph. Vol. 6, No. 3. 48-59.

Integrated Citrus Breeding and Evaluation for California When Life Gives You Lemons, Evaluate Lemon Selections for the California Desert. Glenn C. Wright, Vince Samons and Tracy L. Kahn. Citrograph. Winter 2014. 36-43.

Fruit quality evaluations of introduced Satsuma selections for California. Tracy L. Kahn, Toni Siebert, Zongpeng Zheng and Karen Huaying Xu. Citrograph. March/April 2013. 34-51.

Kahn, T., Siebert-Wooldridge, T., Krueger, R., Greer, G., Polek, M., and Vidalakis, G. “Looking for Something New? Check out Background, Results of Potential New Cultivars for California." Citrograph. Spring 2017. 8(2): 72-89.

Kahn, T., Siebert-Wooldridge, T., Karp, D., and Khuong, T. “New Red Navel Selection Interests Growers.” Citrograph. Fall 2018. 9(4):90.

Kahn, T., Siebert-Wooldridge, T., and Stover, E. “This Mandarin by Any Other Name Would Taste as Sweet.” Citrograph. Winter 2020. 11(1):47-48.

Kahn, T., Siebert-Wooldridge, T., and Trunnelle, K. “Pigmented Citrus Cultivars Can Differentiate Market for Consumers.” Citrograph. Fall 2020. 11(4):38-44.


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