Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck
CRC 609
PI 539583
Received as budwood from T.L. McFadden, RFD #2, Fullerton, Calif., 1914.
Apparently a budsport from a tree in the McFadden grove.
Rootstocks of accession
Carrizo citrange, C-35 citrange
Season of ripeness at Riverside
December to January
Notes and observations
Buds collected from McFadden grove by Webber, Mertz, & Thomas. A variation of ribbed type growing on the place of T.L. McFadden. The tree has produced this ribbed fruit ever since planted and entire tree is this type, except a small limb on one side that is producing apparently normal fruit. This is a fairly large and good fruited type. This accession had psorosis and exocortis, removed by shoot tip grafting (STG 85-7).
EMN, 2/16/1988: No ribs at all. CRC 588, Golden Buckeye, is a much better example of ribbing in navels. Probably could eliminate this one (CRC 609) from the Collection.
EMN, 12/14/1989: Good medium crop on both trees and not a rib to be seen. Was Mr. McFadden ribbing us? Or was the chimera lost somewhere along the line during repropagation? Anyway, no ribs, no service.
Not commercially available in California.
USDA Germplasm Resources Information Network page for McFadden Ribbed navel orange