Citrus maxima (Burm.) Merr. RUTACEAE
CRC 448
PI 539407
Received as a cutting from Mr. Damon, Moanalua Gardens, Honolulu, 1914.
Parents unknown.
Rootstocks of accession
Yuma Ponderosa, C-35 citrange
Season of ripeness at Riverside
October to November
Notes and observations
Said to be a fine pummelo of large size. "Gave this the name Moanalua pummelo."--HJW 9/34.
Seedling yellows removed by thermotherapy 1985. Resembles Tahitian (CRC 3806) but thicker rind, much more sour. This and Tahitian are dwarf trees for pummelos. Citrus Industry, Vol. 1, pp 537-538, gives Moanalua as synonym for Tahitian pummelo.
Description from The Citrus Industry Vol. 1 (1967)
"Mention should be made of the so-called Tahitian grapefruit because of its distinctive characteristics and high quality. This agreeably-flavored fruit is in reality a thin-rinded, highly juicy pummelo. The seeds are monoembryonic and otherwise typical of the pummelo and the shoot growth is much more pubescent than any of the grapefruits. The faintly amber flesh color suggests the possibility that it may be lightly pigmented under conditions more favorable for color development.
The origin of Tahitian is obscure but it is believed to have developed in Tahiti from seed from Borneo whence it was taken to Hawaii. The variety is of local and limited importance only, but is highly reputed for its excellent quality."
Not commercially available in California.
USDA Germplasm Resources Information Network page for Moanalua pummelo