Citrus hybrid RUTACEAE
CRC 42
PI 539224
Received as budwood from F. M. Reed, Riverside, CA, 1910.
One from the grove of F.M. Reed, Riverside. Fertilized with St. Michael pollen by Runt & Reed, Spring 1909. Rec'd by J.H. Norton 12/20/1909. Rec'd by J.H. Coit 1/07/10 for germ. At Pasadena City Farm 1/09/10. Tree that bore fruit was PI 11668.--J.E. Obit.
Rootstocks of accession
Carrizo citrange, C-35 citrange
Season of ripeness at Riverside
October to November
Notes and observations
Small, smooth fruit with leathery skin. Sour but highly flavored. About half of fruits seedless. Pulp tender; medium-sized pulp vesicles, orange colored. Foliage much like orange, but petiole wings broader. Flowers large. Fruit fr Rubidoux orchard R-5 T-3--tested 5/18/35. A small thin-skinned smooth fr, seedless. Not very sweet, but highly flavored. Trees in 1-ABC clearly the same as Rubidoux R-5 T-3. Fruit smooth, thin leathery skin, axis small, seedless both at Rubidoux & in CRC var. orchard. Sour & highly flavored, no more acid in March than May; pulp tender & med. Sized pulp vesicles, orange colored. Foliage much like orange, but wings on petiole broader. Flowers large.It seems as a fruit like this would have value but it may be too sour--watch in future years."--W.J. This was seedling #1, CRC 42-1; other seedling lines are now gone.
2/22/88- W.J. was right (see above)- attractive fruit but too sour. EMN
Not commercially available in California.
USDA Germplasm Resources Information Network page for Shaddock x St. Michael orange hybrid