Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck
CRC 4041
VI 529
Received as a live tree from B&Z Nursery, 1998.
Summer Gold navel orange (VI 529) originated in the early 1980s on Marrow's property near Mourquong of Sunraysia Australia.
Rootstocks of accession
Carrizo citrange, C-35 citrange
Season of ripeness at Riverside
November to January
Notes and observations
This variety, although selected as a late navel, was actually determined not to be a late navel.
In the late 1980s and early 1990s, six of the twelve selections (Autumn Gold, Barnfield, Chislett, Powell, Rhode, and Summer Gold) evaluated in Australia, were sent to the CCPP for quarantine and then subsequently released for propagation in California in 1991 and 1992. In mid-1990s, an additional selection called Wiffen was also introduced through the CCPP into California. The California Citrus Nursery Society (CCNS) agreed to facilitate the testing of these late navel selections which are currently licensed in California. Evaluations of six of these selections began in California in 1997 at nine locations in collaboration with growers ranging from Madera in the north to Fillmore in the south. (Kahn and Bier 2003).
Received as budwood by CCPP, 04/1990; contract clean-up for California Citrus Nursery Society, which retains exclusive propagation rights in the U.S. Propagated for planting in CVC only; planted July, 1998. Originally selected by Dudley Marrows, Mourquong, NSW, Australia, circa 1950s; apparent sport of Washington navel; aka Murrows Late. IPR: PVR (Australia) # 313; D. Marrows, Boeill Creek, NSW, Australia. Licensed in U.S. to California Citrus Nursery Society.
Commercially available in California through the Citrus Clonal Protection Program. This is a licensed variety of the California Citrus Nursery Society (CCNS). You must contact CCNS to obtain a license. Patent and/or propagation rights for this variety is held by the California Citrus Nursery Society. The budwood is available only for those with a License Agreement. To obtain a License Agreement, please contact:
Deborah Pagliaccia
California Citrus Nursery Society
1912 Prince Albert Dr
Riverside, California, 92507
Letter authorizing the Citrus Clonal Protection Program to maintain and register budwood source trees for these varieties in its facilities and to distribute budwood from these registered trees to sub-licensed citrus nurseries can be found here.
USDA Germplasm Resources Information Network page for Summer Gold navel orange
CVC Fruit Quality Data for Summer Gold navel orange