Gou Tou sour orange
Leather-head sour orange
Citrus aurantium L.
CRC 4004
PI 539173
VI 623
Received as seed imported by Chet Roistacher, Plant Pathology, University of California, Riverside, 1981.
Parents unknown. From Liuzhou Academy of Agricultural Science, Guangxi, China.
Rootstocks of accession
Carrizo citrange, C-35 citrange
Season of ripeness at Riverside
January to March
Notes and observations
5/1989, EMN: Chet Roistacher tried this accession for tristeza resistence compared to Standard sour with navel orange scions in the field at UCR. Gou Tou sour orange trees did not die as did many on Standard sour orange, but Gou Tou rooted trees were much smaller & not as healthy appearing as Valencia/Troyer trees in next row of same field, which had been planted at the same time. So Gou Tou sour orange does not look promising as a rootstock here, at least as long as Troyer & Carrizo hold up. CNR did not save a seedling source of Gou Tou. A sucker from the trunk was the source of this accession. Tristeza was eliminated thru CCPP processing. The accession was first received as seed and first put in field, then re-entered as budwood. The best CTV result seedling was selected and budwood from this is what we now have in program.
3/3/2008, DK & TS: Fruits large, yellow, round; painfully sour.
Commercially available in California through the Citrus Clonal Protection Program. Click here to order budwood.
USDA Germplasm Resources Information Network page for Goutoucheng sour orange (CRC 4004)