Citrus aurantifolia (Christm.) Swingle
CRC 3762
PI 539157
Received as seed from Dr. Richard A. Hamilton, University of Hawaii, 1971.
Open pollinated seedling. Seeds were sent to Dr. Hamilton from Malaysia.
Rootstocks of accession
Yuma Ponderosa lemon
Season of ripeness at Riverside
September to November
Notes and observations
11/9/1987, EMN: A long axis type of Mexican lime. polyembryonic. (50 seeds planted, 35 germ., 11 multiples.) Very firm fruit with slightly thicker rind than Mexican lime; would be difficult to squeeze for juice. About as seedy as Mexican lime.
Maybe similar to CRC # 3193. See page 40 -- Citrus Fruits of Assam." (WP Bitters, 1971[?])
RRK: "The lime in general has not assumed any commercial importance in Assam, although there is immense scope for its cultivation. Of the two varieties of lime, Abhayapuri variety occupies a considerable area and is particularly found to grow in Pathsala, Pathasarkuchi, Bongaigaon and Abhayapuri in the district of Goalpara. This variety mostly predominates in the Assam Valley, although round type of lime is not altogether absent. Most of the production finds its way into Calcutta and Gauhati markets where demand for lime is very great. Being prolific and having comparatively bigger fruits this variety is particularly recommended for large scale production. It is extensively used for various culinary uprposes and for preparing pickles, chutneys and sherbet.
The variety is very much susceptible to gummosis, scab and canker and as such control measures are always essential for successful cultivation. Lime is suppsoed to be short lived and the yield decreases progressively with advancing age. Regular cultural treatments, especially manuring, are necessary to keep up the high level of production. Propagation is generally carried out by marcottage or air layering and occasionally by seeds". (Bhattacharya and Dutt, 1956, pp 40-41; this source also contains an extensive description of the fruit and tree characteristics).
Not commercially available in California.
USDA Germplasm Resources Information Network page for Abhayapuri lime