Citrus medica L.
CRC 3527
PI 539426
Received as budwood from John Carpenter, USDA US Date & Citrus Station, Indio, California. 1966.
From U.S. Hort. Station (Hiawassie Farm), Orlando, Florida. Parents unknown.
Rootstock of accession
Yuma Ponderosa lemon
Season of ripeness at Riverside
November to January
Notes and observations
12/2/1987, EMN: This is a typical medium sized citron, oval to elongate with very smooth yellow rind. Rind moderately thick, pithy central core, seedy, very sour.
11/7/2006, DK: Has a thin to moderate rind, and very smooth skin for a citron.
Not commercially available in California.
USDA Germplasm Resources Information Network for Hiawassie citron