
Yuma Ponderosa lemon pummelo hybrid

Citrus hybrid RUTACEAE

CRC 3488
PI 539218
VI 410
(No longer available), 429


Received as budwood from Yuma Mesa Citrus Exp. Station, Yuma, Arizona, 1964.


C. maxima x ?

Rootstocks of accession

1449 Citrumelo, Yuma Ponderosa Lemon

Season of ripeness at Riverside

Unknown at this time.

Notes and observations

1986, EMN: Not a true ponderosa lemon. Very similar and maybe identical to Cuban shaddock. Polyembryonic. This accession had exocortis which was removed by shoot tip grafting (STG 99-8).This accession and Cuban Shaddock (CRC 1462) are listed as "pummelo hybrids" in the accession book for convenience- parentage not known.

11/12/1987, EMN: Compared foliage and fruit and concluded that this and CRC 1462, Cuban Shaddock, are identical. However, I am told that the isozyme patterns differ.

JA Brusca, ca 1966: Apparently, this was originally thought to be a selection of Ponderosa lemon, as evidenced by the cultivar name. However: "Not a true ponderosa lemon. Our CRC #294 ponderosa - from a total of fifty (50) seeds - all germinated singles. Yuma Mesa ponderosa lemon does germinate some multiples."

ML Roose, CCNS Newsletter #3, Spring 1991: "Foliage and fruit appear identical to CRC 1462, Cuban Shaddock." (EM Nauer, ca 1980s?) "This is a hybrid of unknown origin. It is quite different from Ponderosa lemon but we believe that it is the same as Cuban produces vigorous, uniform seedlings which are easy to bud. It is tolerant to tristeza and Phytophthora parasitica root rot, but susceptible to Phytophthora gummosis and citrus nematode. In 4 rootstock trials planted in 1977 at Lindcove it produced vigorous trees that were noticeably precocious and among the highest yielding in these trials. However solids, acids, and juice content are considerably below those on trifoliate hybrid rootstocks and generally similar to those of trees on rough lemon. It suckers rather badly and several trees declined or died of unknown causes, particularly in areas with poor soil drainage. We recommend it for use with lemons on well drained soils."


Commercially available in California through the Citrus Clonal Protection Program.  Click here to order budwood.


USDA Germplasm Resources Information Network page for   Yuma Ponderosa lemon pummelo hybrid



Yuma Ponderosa lemon pummelo hybrid 3488006
Yuma Ponderosa lemon pummelo hybrid 3488005
Yuma Ponderosa lemon pummelo hybrid 3488001
Yuma Ponderosa lemon pummelo hybrid 3488004
Yuma Ponderosa lemon pummelo hybrid 3488007
Yuma Ponderosa lemon pummelo hybrid 3488002
Photos by David Karp and Toni Siebert, CVC.