Citrus hanayu Siebold ex Shirai
CRC 3469
PI 539198
Received as seed from Okitsu, Shizuoka Pref., Japan (via W.P. Bitters), 1963.
Parents unknown.
Rootstocks of accession
Carrizo citrange, C-35 citrange
Season of ripeness at Riverside
Unknown at this time.
Notes and observations
EMN, 1986: A Yuzu type. Polyembryonic. This accession was heat treated about 1975 for moving out or tristeza quarantine to Lindcove. Subsequent Lindcove nucellar block tree was the bud source of 12B-36-9, 10.
EMN, 11/23/1988: A small, yellow, seedy fruit; very sour. Somewhat lemon-like in flavor.
Not commercially available in California.
USDA Germplasm Resources Information Network page for Citrus hanayu