X Citroncirus spp. RUTACEAE
CRC 3415
PI 539841
Received as seedlings from Albert Newcomb, Thermal, CA, 1962.
Citranguma = Citrange X Satsuma = X Citroncirus webberii X Citrus unshiu = (Poncirus trifoliata X Citrus sinensis) X Citrus unshiu. Unknown cultivars. Current line derived from open pollinated seedlings.
Rootstocks of accession
Carrizo citrange, C-35 citrange
Season of ripeness at Riverside
October to November
Notes and observations
Notes from Paul Moore, Thermal: This is Citranguma -- W-N Seed No S-302. Seed was collected from trees in a hedgerow designated "C-1" at the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station #19 at Crystal City, Texas (Winter Haven Station). Their accession card states that five plants were sent by Yarnell to Mortensen in 1942." (Anonymous comment ca 1962)
EMN, 1/18/1989: Foliage mostly trifoliate - some twigs unifoliate. Fruit medium sweet orange size, round, rind light-medium orange in color; moderately rough, about like a citrange. Rind medium thick, flesh light orange. Not edible - flavor bitter and sour. Seeds few.
RRK, 2/20/2013: This apparently was derived from open pollinated seed sent from the TAE to WN. There is no mention of citranguma in Olson et al, 1961, and it is not known how this might be related (if at all) to the classical trifoliate hybrids produced by USDA in the early 20th century. (RR Krueger, 02/20/2013)
Not commercially available in California.
USDA Germplasm Resources Information Network page for Citranguma S-302