Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck
CRC 3182
PI 539605
VI 116
Received as a seedling from the Rubidoux Tract "Washington navel", 1915.
Trovita (VI 116) originated at the Citrus Research Center in Riverside in 1916 as a seedling from a fallen fruit that was presumed to have come from a Washington navel tree. The seedling was selected, described and named by H. B. Frost based on the Esperanto word for “found” in 1928 and was released in 1935.
Rootstocks of accession
Carrizo citrange, C-35 citrange
Season of ripeness at Riverside
December to February
Notes and observations
Believed to a seedling from a navel orange fruit but does not have a navel and juice does not turn bitter rapidly.
EMN, 2/8/1988: A decent sized sweet with good color and flavor, but seedy.
OJB: The fruit of Trovita are earlier maturing, smaller, juicier and milder in flavor than Washington navel. The trees are vigorous and uprights in growth but have a tendency to alternate bear. Trovita trees are more productive under desert conditions.
Description from The Citrus Industry, Volume 1
"This California variety is believed to be a Washington navel orange seedling. The fruit is early maturing, medium-small, few-seeded, juicy, and pleasantly flavored. The tree is vigorous, upright-growing, and productive, but with a tendency to alternate bearing.
Trovita originated as a seedling from a fallen fruit, presumably of Washington navel, at the Citrus Research Center, Riverside, California, in 1916 and was released in 1935. It was selected in 1928 and described and named by H. B. Frost, the name being Esperanto for "found." In comparison with the parent variety, the fruit is smaller, juicier, and of milder flavor. The tree is more productive under desert conditions. Trovita has achieved little importance in California, but is said to be promising as an early juice variety in the Negev region of Israel and elsewhere. "
Commercially available in California through the Citrus Clonal Protection Program. Click here to order budwood.
USDA Germplasm Resources Information Network page for Trovita sweet orange