CRC 3146
PI 539713
Received as seed from H. Yoshimura, Univ. of Osaka, Japan, 1956.
Received as open-pollinated seed. Thought to be a hybrid of Citrus ichangensis x Citrus reticulata (unknown cultivar).
Rootstocks of accession
Carrizo citrange, C-35 citrange
Season of ripeness at Riverside
Unknown at this time.
Notes and observations
Notes from T. Tanaka in CITROLOGIA, pg. 76, Osaka, 1961: "YUZU hybrid character, fr size good sized Satsuma, shape resembles Kunembo- rough, orange-yellow, Calyx provides 1g disk ring, rind 5.0 mm, ht 5.0, wid 6.3 cm, pulp poor taste, apex rounded, base pointed, 8 seeds, seeds green polyembryonic. 2/26/88- Fruit way past maturity now, but Tanaka's description (see above) seems pretty good for this accession.--EMN.
Not commercially available in California.
USDA Germplasm Resources Information Network page for Citrus yuko