
Homosassa sweet orange (CRC 1696)

Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck RUTACEAE

CRC 1696
PI 539591


Received as seed from progeny in 1924 nursery, 1927.


Parents unknown. Reported to be a seedling selection in the orchard or Mr. Yulee at Homosassa, Florida.

Rootstocks of accession

Carrizo citrange, C-35 citrange

Season of ripeness at Riverside

January to March

Notes and observations

Largest seedling of 93 Homosassa seedlings in 1924 nursery.

2/08/1988, EMN: A typical mid-season, seedy sweet orange. This and CRC 292 appear alike.

Description from The Citrus Industry Vol. 1 (1967)

"Fruit medium-sized, subglobose to ellipsoid; base evenly rounded to slightly collared and basal area somewhat furrowed; apex evenly rounded; areolar furrow indistinct or lacking; moderately seedy.  Well-colored at maturity.  Rind medium-thick, smooth, and finely pitted.  Flesh medium-tender, juicy; flavor good.  Midseason in maturity.

Tree vigorous, large, productive, and hardy.

According to Webber (1943), Homosassa is one of the oldest Florida varieties, having originated as a seedling selection in the orchard of a Mr. Yulee at Homosassa.  The selection must have been planted not later than 1865, for in 1877 the Variety Committee of the American Pomological Society recommended it as a first-class variety.  It was extensively planted for some decades, and there are old orchards still in existence.  Like certain other Florida varieties, however, Homosassa is of indifferent quality in arid climates and has not achieved commercial importance elsewhere."


Not commercially available in California.


USDA Germplasm Resources Information Network page for Homosassa sweet orange (CRC 1969)



Homosassa sweet orange sliced open
Homosassa sweet orange tree
Homosassa sweet orange on tree
Homosassa sweet orange close up
Photos by David Karp and Toni Siebert, CVC.
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