Citrus maxima (Burm.) Merr. RUTACEAE
CRC 1212
PI 46132
Received as budwood from Ichang, Hupeh, China, 1919.
Parents unknown.
Rootstocks of accession
Carrizo citrange, C-35 citrange
Season of ripeness at Riverside
October to November
Notes and observations
Collected by Mr. Frank N. Meyer, Agr. Explorer for USDA. Large fruited, about 4 inches in diameter--W.T. Swingle.
This accession had psorosis, removed by thermotherapy (Thermo 1176-32)--EMN 1985.
Shoot tip extract "Browns"-all other C grandis have been non-browning. Is this really C grandis?--R. Soost 1985.
3/10/1954, EMN: Bitters/Brusca comments: Heavy crop. Ob-ovate shape. Very thick rind. Rough peel, white flesh, seedy, good flavor.
1/13/1988, EMN: See 3/10/54 above; fruit is very juicy, sour now.
1/18/1989, EMN: Many on ground. Medium to large fruit with considerable size variation. Pyriform, light yellow rind color, slightly rough. Rind medium thick. Flesh basically greenish yellow but with pink tinge around borders of sections- more pronounced in larger fruits. Flesh tender, melting, juicy; flavor fairly good but leaves slight bitter aftertaste. Very seedy.
Not commercially available in California.
USDA Germplasm Resources Information Network page for Chinese pummelo (CRC 1212)