Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck
CRC 3339
PI 539663
Received as seed from J.C. Werley, Bailey Flats, Ca, 1960.
Located 15 miles southwest of Yosemite National Forest; elev. 1500 ft. Claims he inserted navel bud into Mediterranean sweet, followed by grapefruit--followed by navel in close proximity. Sprout arose from budded area. Bud-union evident-- done about 1927.
Rootstocks of accession
Carrizo citrange, C-35 citrange
Season of ripeness at Riverside
March to July
Notes and observations
WPB: Fruits are 2&1/2 to 3&1/3 in. Matures in April, holds more color than Med sweet. Size is much larger than adjacent Valencia. Good when examined Sept. 1. Some regreening, hollow center, nearly seedless, good crop. Texture is excellent for large orange; smooth & thin-skinned. This accession came from a double seedling.
6/1989, EMN: Fruit compared to Olinda Valencia; Appears very similar if not identical.
Not commercially available in California.
USDA Germplasm Resources Information Network page for Werley Valencia orange