Citrus miaray
CRC 3574
PI 539448
Received as seed from Phil Reece, Orlavista Field Station, Orlando, Florida, 1962. Open pollinated seedling.
Parents unknown.
Rootstocks of accession
Carrizo citrange, C-35 citrange
Season of ripeness at Riverside
January to March
Notes and observations
1968, EMN: In 1962 seeds were planted at the Lindcove Field Station. Budwood was taken from five seedlings at Lindcove and budded onto Troyer citrange. No record made at Lindcove as to whether we took budwood from single or multiple seedlings.
1986, EMN: This accession was heat treated about 1975 for moving our of quarantine to Lindcove. Subsequent Lindcove nucellar block tree was the bud source.
2/26/1988, EMN: Foliage lanceolate, pointed, somewhat mandarin-like, with lined to narrowly winged petioles. Young growth has slightly purple tinge. Most of fruit on ground this date. Small, round, bumpy fruit of yellow to orange color. Rind medium-thick. Seedy. Flesh light yellowish orange, very sour.
8/2007, RRK: The fact that this accession was received from the US Horticultural Research Laboratory in Orlando suggests that it is most probably the same genotype as the inactive accession PI 77599. A description of Miaray from the original PI record for PI 77599: "A handsome ornamental Philippine tree suggested as as stock for cultivated citrus fruits. It has slender drooping willowy branches, dark-green leaves, and fruits resembling the lime in appearance and flavor."
3/3/2008, DK & TS: Listed among the miscellaneous citrus species on the CVC holdings appendix [], but GRIN posits partial sour orange parentage.
Tree very productive; leaves lanceolate, almost willow-like; fruit small (golf ball-size) with a slight neck; thin orange rind, easy to peel; 10 to 12 seeds; juicy light orange flesh, the flesh is extremely acrid and unpleasant. The juice is also foul. Do not eat this fruit!
Not commercially available in California.
USDA Germplasm Resources Information Network page for Citrus miaray