
Mency tangor

Citrus reticulata Blanco

CRC 3183
PI 539242 


Received as seed from H.B. Frost, 1915.


Mediterranean Sweet orange x Dancy mandarin

Rootstocks of accession

Carrizo citrange, C-35 citrange

Season of ripeness at Riverside

Unknown at this time.

Notes and observations

4/1987, EMN: Small orange colored fruit- too small for commercial use. Most fruit is on ground now.

3/13/2008, DK & TS: Productive; fruit small to medium in size, round; deep orange, pebbly rind; flesh seedy, juicy, sweet, a bit bland. 

Description from The Citrus Industry Vol. 1 (1967)

"Fruit medium-small, reddish-orange, slightly oblate and necked, and faintly pebbled.  Rind peels readily.  Seedy, early ripening fruit of sprightly, acid flavor.  Sensitive to sunburn and does not hold well on tree, but good for home use.

This synthetic tangor resulted from breeding work by H. B. Frost of the University of California Citrus Research Center, Riverside.  It is of Dancy tangerine and Mediterranean Sweet orange parentage, in which respect it is reciprocal to Dweet."


Not commercially available in California.


USDA Germplasm Resources Information Network page for Mency tangor


Carrizo, 25 year old tree. Photos by David Karp, CVC, 3/13/2008.