Clymenia polyandra x Procimequat (CRC 4109)
CRC 4109
PI 654895
Received as seed from the UCR Citrus Breeding program, 1989.
Clymenia polyandra x [(Citrus aurantiifolia 'Mexican' x Fortunella japonica) x Fortunella hindsii]
Rootstocks of accession
Schaub rough lemon
Season of ripeness at Riverside
Unknown at this time.
Notes and observations
Apparently second generation open-pollinated seedlings of PI 539848/RCRC 3917. PI 539848 is Clymenia polyandra x [(Citrus aurantiifolia 'Mexican' x Fortunella japonica) x Fortunella hindsii]. Note: Some documents state that this hybrid is Clymenia X Citrus, but the referenced hybrid seems to be the best supported.
This hybrid was produced by Don Cole about 1966.--EMN 1986.
The name 'Coleara' was coined b Bill Bitters in honor of Don Cole, his long-time Staff Research Associate. Note: Some documents state that this hybrid is Clymenia X Citrus, but the referenced hybrid seems to be the best supported. The identity of this accession is not 100 % certain. It is also possible that the 2 trees associated with this accession are actually identical to RCRC 4109, as the documentation on hand is somewhat contradictory. A memo from Bob Soost refers to the F2 of this hybrid (now RCRC 4109) as being maintained in the greenhouse at South Coast Field Station, and then planted out. There is no reference to the original hybrids, which were maintained in Lathhouse B at UC Riverside (although they could have been transferred to SCFS). However, the current identification seems the best supported, and the existing plants associated with RCRC 3917/PI539848 are morphologically different than those associated with RCRC 4109. See Narrrative under RCRC 4109. (RRK, 08/2006)
Not commercially available in California.
USDA Germplasm Resources Information Network page for Clymenia polyandra x Procimequat (CRC 4109)