
Banpeiyu pummelo

Pai You, Taiwan pummelo
Citrus maxima (Burm.) Merr.

CRC 3961
PI 539405 
VI 478 


Received as budwood from Japan, 1985.


Parents unknown.

Rootstocks of accession

Carrizo citrange

Season of ripeness at Riverside

October to November

Notes and observations

Import put directly into thermotherapy; no pre-index.

Description from The Citrus Industry Vol. 1 (1967)

"Fruit very large (one of the largest), subglobose to spheroid; seedy.  Light yellow.  Rind thick; surface smooth and tightly adherent.  Segments numerous (15-18); axis large and solid; carpellary membranes thin but tough.  Flesh color pale yellow; tender and juicy; flavor excellent, a pleasant blend of sugar and acid.  Medium-late in maturity but stores well for several months longer.

Tree very vigorous, spreading and large; leaves large and broadly winged; twigs, new shoot growth, petioles, and lower surface of leaves pubescent.

Banpeiyu is almost certainly the variety known as Pai You (Yau) on Taiwan.  The variety is of unknown Malayan origin and was introduced into Formosa (Taiwan) in 1920, named in 1925, and taken to Japan soon thereafter.  It develops high quality fruit only in the hottest regions of southern Japan.  Among pummelo varieties, it currently ranks first in Japan and second on Taiwan."


Commercially available in California through the Citrus Clonal Protection ProgramClick here to order budwood.

USDA Germplasm Resources Information Network page for Banpeiyu pummelo


Banokan pummelo CRC3961005
Banokan pummelo CRC3961002
Banokan pummelo CRC3961006
Photos by David Karp and Toni Siebert, CVC.10/30/2013.