
Atwood navel orange

Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck

CRC 3791 
PI 600627 
VI 363


Received as budwood from Russ Davis, Ivanhoe, via CCPP, 1978. 


Atwood (Atwood Early) navel orange (VI 363) originated as a bud sport of Washington navel on the property of Frank Atwood in Lemoncove, California, around 1935.  

Rootstocks of accession

Carrizo citrange 

Season of ripeness at Riverside

November to January 

Notes and observations

EMN, 1987: Original budline from Ivanhoe was VI 155 and contained mild citron viroid (formerly considered mild exocortis). This was removed by shoot tip grafting to produce viroid-free budline VI 363. Virtually indistinguishable from the parent variety, Washington. Experience in CCPP with Atwood confirms this.

The fruit characteristics are very similar to the parent navel orange, but the rind develops color slightly earlier than the Washington navel and the rind is slightly smoother in texture.  In addition, the fruit stores especially well on the tree without a significant loss of quality. However, during the early part of the season the quality is not quite as good as the Washington navel.

Description from The Citrus Industry Vol. 1 (1967)

"The fruit and tree of the Atwood navel orange variety are virtually indistinguishable from the parent variety, Washington.  The fruit colors slightly earlier and the rind surface appears to be somewhat smoother, however.  While earlier maturity is suggested by its coloring behavior, the fruit stores on the tree especially well without appreciable loss of quality.  During the early part of the season, however, its quality is not quite as good as that of the parent variety.

According to Opitz (1962), Atwood originated as a limb sport in the orchard of Frank Atwood near Lemon Cove, California, and was first noticed about 1935.  It is considered to be promising in central California and has been planted to some extent there in recent years."


Commercially available in California through the Citrus Clonal Protection ProgramClick here to order budwood.

USDA Germplasm Resources Information Network page for Atwood navel orange



Atwood navel orange CRC3791003
Atwood navel orange CRC3791001
Atwood navel orange CRC3791004
Atwood navel orange CRC3791004
Photos by Toni Siebert and David Karp, 1/15/2010, CVC.