Indian wild orange
CRC 3163
PI 539254
Received as budwood from Ted Frolich, UCLA, 1958.
Parents unknown.
Rootstocks of accession
CRC 1449 citremon, Yuma Ponderosa lemon
Season of ripeness at Riverside
Unknown at this time.
Notes and observations
Frolich: The C. indica seed came from W.B. Hayes at the Agr. Inst., Allahabad, India. He obtained them from Sri Mauwing, India.
WPB, 1962: indica is monoembryonic; our seedlings are not typical.
EMN, 3/1987: Very small orange fruit- very sour.
EMN, 3/1988: This is apparently NOT C. indica; may be a hybrid of it.
EMN, 2/22/1988: A strange fruit. External appearance is of a small mandarin with rough bumpy rind, but probably has no mandarin blood. Leaves are lanceolate with lined petioles, no wings. Rind color orange to dark orange. Many fruits have a prominent rough lemon-like nose; otherwise are round to slightly flattened at the ends. Rind of medium thickness; seeds large, unlike most citrus seeds, bright green cotyledons. Thick fleshy membrane walls. Small sections of flesh are orange, fairly juicy, sour. Where present, each large seed just about fills the section. What is this?
EMN, 2/23/1988: Dr. Bitters thinks this may have mandarin blood in it. We should continue to list it as a hybrid of C. indica.
Not commercially available in California.
USDA Germplasm Resources Information Network page for Citrus indica