Citrus wilsonii Tanaka
CRC 1215
PI 45534
Received as seed from Frank N. Meyer, FHB #23067, China, May 1919.
Parents unknown.
Rootstocks of accession
Carrizo citrange, C-35 citrange
Season of ripeness at Riverside
Unknown at this time.
Notes and observations
Citrus ichangensis Swingle. Ichang lemon. A citrus fruit called Hsiang yuan meaning fragrant, round. It exists in many varieties and is able to withstand colder temperatures than the tangerine and kumquat, but is not as hardy as trifoliate. The rind hales a delightful fragrance and the Chinese use the fruits as rare perfumes and carry them about instead of perfumed handkerchiefs. Since they possess an abundance of juice of good quality, foreign residents use these fruits for making lemonade. If it were not for the many very large seeds, this fruit could well be substituted for the ordinary lemon; as it is, it may be grown considerably north of the citrus belt to supply a home product from which to make refreshing drinks--F.N. Meyer. The Shangyuan or Ichang lemon is described in TCI, Vol. I, pp 390-392, and is postulated to be a C. ichangensis X C. grandis hybrid?. 11/23/88- This and CRC 1219 are very similar, probably identical- EMN.
No longer commercially available in California. This accession no longer has an approved budsource. Please refer to the CCPP for information on another approved budsource or to start a reintroduction inquiry.
USDA Germplasm Resources Information Network page for Ichang lemon (CRC 1215)