CRC 0432
PI 539250
Received as seed from Mr. P.J. Wester, Philippine Islands, 1914.
Parents unknown.
Rootstocks of accession
Yuma Ponderosa lemon
Season of ripeness at Riverside
Unknown at this time.
Notes and observations
Cotyledons have tinge of green but rather light. Seed very similar in shape and size to tangerine.--HJW.
This was originally identified as C. macroptera by Dr. Tanaka on a visit here in 1928 but Dr. Bitters says it is Cabuyao, the smooth fruited form of C. hystrix.--1984
This accession had seedling yellows, removed by thermotherapy (Thermo. 1128-27).--EMN 1985
EMN, 1/14/1988: Medium size, very smooth rind, globose to pyriform. Yellow at maturity but many fruits fall when still green. Rind medium-thin; seedy; flesh light green to yellow-green, ricey, little juice, sour. Leaves have a very wide petiole-like C. ichangensis.
Not commercially available in California.
USDA Germplasm Resources Information Network page for Citrus hystrix (CRC 432)