Citrus medica L.
CRC 1795
PI 539422
Received from Walter T. Swingle, USDA, 1924.
Parents unknown.
Rootstock of accession
Yuma Ponderosa lemon
Season of ripeness at Riverside
November to January
Notes and observations
1985, EMN: This accession is chronologically out of order because it was not given a CRC number until about 1927. Corsican citron is said to be the same as the Citron of Commerce.
12/22/1987, EMN: This appears to be true a Corsican citron or close to it. Fruit matches The Citrus Industry description quite well, and it is sweet like it is supposed to be.
12/5/2006, DK & TS: Blocky, oval shape is typical, though some have acorn shape. Thick, firm rind is sweet, but has some bitterness; flesh is seedy, acidless.
Description from The Citrus Industry Vol. 1 (1967)
"Fruit large, ellipsoid to very slightly obovate; basal area slightly depressed and radially furrowed; apical nipple suppressed or indistinct (less prominent than in Diamante); seedy. Color lemon-yellow. Rind very thick and fleshy; surface rather rough, bumpy, and commonly somewhat ribbed. Flesh crisp and solid; lacking in juice; flavor sweet (without acid).
Tree small, open and spreading; medium-thorny with some large, stout spines (very much like Diamante); buds, flowers and new growth not purpie-tinted.
This variety is said to be the best and most important citron in Corsica and presumably originated there, although its history is unknown. It was introduced into the United States about 1891 and distributed under the name Corsican."
Not commercially available in California.
USDA Germplasm Resources Information Network page for Corsican citron